Innovative Treatments for Macular Holes: Journey to Clarity with Eyeonce Eye Clinic Eye Care March 15, 2024

Innovative Treatments for Macular Holes: Journey to Clarity with Eyeonce Eye Clinic

Discover everything you need to know about macular holes, from causes to treatments. Our expert eye doctors at Eyeonce Eye Clinic, Paik Dong Won, and Jung Sae Rom, provide valuable insights and answers to FAQs for deeper understanding.

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What is a macular hole?

There are several types of macular holes, each presenting unique characteristics and challenges.

Full-Thickness Macular Hole (FTMH)

A complete break in the macular tissue characterizes this prevalent type. Typically associated with age-related changes, the separation of the vitreous gel, a transparent, gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina in the human eye, from the macula becomes a pivotal factor in the formation of Full-Thickness Macular Holes. Eyeonce Eye Clinic’s cutting-edge technologies are crucial in diagnosing and treating this common manifestation.

Stage 1, 2, 3, and 4 Macular Holes

The progression of macular holes is categorized into stages, each representing a distinct severity level. Stage 1 denotes a small hole, while Stage 4 indicates a full-thickness macular hole. Early detection is paramount, and the specialists at Eyeonce Eye Clinic are adept at identifying these stages, facilitating timely intervention, and preventing the advancement to more severe conditions.

Traumatic Macular Hole

Caused by physical trauma to the eye, Traumatic Macular Holes can arise from accidents or injuries, leading to a break in the macular tissue. The expertise at Eyeonce Eye Clinic extends to addressing the complexities of Traumatic Macular Holes, offering tailored solutions to individuals impacted by such occurrences.

Idiopathic Macular Hole

In cases where the cause is not directly linked to aging or trauma, the term idiopathic is applied. The exact triggers for Idiopathic Macular Holes remain unknown, adding a layer of complexity to their diagnosis. The specialists at Eyeonce Eye Clinic employ advanced diagnostic techniques to unravel these mysteries, ensuring a thorough understanding and personalized approach to treatment.

It is important to note that expert eye centers, such as Eyeonce Eye Clinic in Seoul, South Korea, are pivotal in enhancing our understanding and management of intricate ocular conditions such as macular holes.


Understanding the causes and identifying the individuals at risk of developing Macular Holes is fundamental for prevention and timely intervention. Some of its causes include:

  • Age-Related Changes – The natural aging process often leads to changes in the vitreous gel inside the eye. As this gel becomes more liquefied, it may separate from the macula, forming Macular Holes.
  • Trauma – Physical trauma to the eye, such as accidents or injuries, can cause a break in the macular tissue, leading to the development of Macular Holes.
  • Idiopathic Factors – In some cases, Macular Holes occur without a clear link to aging or trauma. These instances, termed idiopathic, pose a challenge in pinpointing specific triggers.

Risk Factors for Macular Holes

  • Age – Advancing age is a significant risk factor for Macular Holes. The structural changes in the eye associated with aging increase the likelihood of vitreous separation.
  • Gender – Studies suggest that females may be more predisposed to developing Macular Holes than males, though the reasons for this disparity remain under investigation.
  • Eye Conditions – Individuals with pre-existing eye conditions, such as high myopia (nearsightedness), are at an increased risk of developing Macular Holes.
  • Family History – A genetic predisposition may contribute to the development of Macular Holes. Individuals may have a higher susceptibility if there is a family history of this condition.

Eyeonce Eye Clinic is a beacon of preventive care, offering comprehensive eye examinations and personalized strategies to minimize the impact of age-related changes, traumatic incidents, and other risk factors associated with Macular Holes.

Signs and Symptoms

Macular Holes can manifest through distinctive signs and symptoms that, when identified early, allow for timely intervention. Understanding these indicators is crucial for maintaining optimal eye health. Here is a closer look at the key signs and symptoms associated with Macular Holes:

  • Blurred or Distorted Central Vision – One of the primary symptoms of Macular Holes is a gradual or sudden blurring or distortion in central vision. Fine details may appear unclear or wavy, impacting activities such as reading or recognizing faces.
  • Visual Distortions – Straight lines may appear bent or distorted to individuals with Macular Holes. This distortion can affect the perception of shapes and objects in the central field of vision.
  • Difficulty Reading or Performing Close-up Tasks – Macular Holes can hinder the ability to read small print or engage in tasks that require detailed vision. This difficulty is particularly noticeable when performing activities up close.
  • A Dark or Empty Area in Central Vision – Some individuals may experience the sensation of a dark or empty spot in the center of their vision. This perception can further contribute to the challenges of seeing clearly.
  • Decreased Visual Acuity – Macular Holes can gradually decrease visual acuity, impacting the ability to see sharply and clearly. This change may progress over time if left untreated.
  • Visual Disturbances in Low Light Conditions – The symptoms of Macular Holes may become more pronounced in low-light environments. Individuals might notice increased difficulty in discerning details in dimly lit settings.
  • Metamorphopsia – It refers to the perception of distorted shapes and objects. Individuals with Macular Holes may experience this phenomenon, contributing to an altered visual reality.

If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, seeking prompt evaluation by an eye care professional is crucial. The specialists at Eyeonce, Paik Dong Won, and Jung Sae Rom possess the expertise to conduct thorough examinations, utilizing advanced diagnostic tools to detect and address Macular Holes in their early stages.

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Consequences of Untreated Macular Holes

If left untreated, Macular Holes can have significant consequences on vision and overall eye health, such as:

  • Progression of Macular Hole Size – Macular Holes can enlarge over time. A small hole may evolve into a more significant, severe condition, impacting a broader macula area. This progression can exacerbate visual symptoms.
  • Permanent Vision Loss – As Macular Holes enlarge, they can lead to permanent vision loss, particularly in the central field of vision. The macula is vital for sharp, detailed vision; untreated Macular Holes can compromise this crucial aspect of eyesight.
  • Compromised Quality of Life – The impact of untreated Macular Holes on daily activities such as reading, recognizing faces, or performing tasks that require detailed vision can significantly diminish the quality of life. The inability to engage in routine activities may lead to frustration and a decline in overall well-being.
  • Potential for Retinal Detachment – In some cases, untreated Macular Holes can contribute to developing complications such as retinal detachment. Separating the retina from the underlying layers can result in more severe visual impairment and necessitate more complex interventions.
  • Challenges in Treatment at Advanced Stages – Advanced stages of Macular Holes may pose difficulties in treatment. While early intervention, such as vitrectomy, is often effective, delays in seeking medical attention can limit the success of such procedures and hinder the restoration of vision.

Intervention and Treatment for Macular Holes

Led by Paik Dong Won and Jung Sae Rom, Eyeonce Eye Clinic addresses Macular Holes through personalized approaches, including:

  • Early Diagnosis Through Advanced Imaging – Eyeonce utilizes advanced imaging techniques, including optical coherence tomography (OCT), to precisely identify the size and severity of macular holes at their earliest stages.
  • Precision Vitrectomy Surgery – For many patients, vitrectomy surgery stands as a highly effective intervention. This procedure involves the removal of the vitreous gel to release traction on the macula and the subsequent filling of the eye with a gas bubble to promote healing. Our surgeons, Paik Dong Won and Jung Sae Rom, precisely execute vitrectomies, aiming for optimal outcomes.
  • Gas Bubble Injections – In some instances, gas bubble injections facilitate the closure of Macular Holes. This technique involves injecting a gas bubble directly into the eye to exert gentle pressure on the macula, aiding in the closure of the hole.
  • Medicinal Approaches – Eyeonce explores innovative medicinal approaches tailored to individual cases. Medications may be prescribed to enhance the healing process and promote the closure of Macular Holes. Eyeonce Eye Clinic remains at the forefront of incorporating pharmacological advancement into its treatment protocols.

Beyond the technological advancements, what sets Eyeonce Clinic apart is its patient-centric approach. The compassionate team collaborates with patients, providing detailed information, addressing concerns, and ensuring a supportive environment throughout the treatment journey.

Why choose Eyeonce Eye Clinic Gangnam for severe myopia intervention?

Utmost Patient Care

Our eye care professionals and staff ensure to give you your money’s worth. We guarantee you receive the best medication possible and assure you that you are guided and understood, making you feel comfortable and confident at every step. 

Comprehensive Consultation

Eyeonce Eye Clinic offers comprehensive eye examinations to evaluate your condition and determine the best eye strain treatment. Our ophthalmologists take their time to cater to your questions and address your concerns, ensuring you make an informed decision about our vision correction options.

Expert Eye Doctors

Our ophthalmologists, Head Director Dr. Paik Dong Won and Medical Director Dr. Jung Sae Rom, are highly knowledgeable and adept in treating eye strain. They always use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Age-related changes, trauma, and idiopathic factors can contribute to forming Macular Holes.

Look for signs like blurred central vision, visual distortions, and difficulty reading. Regular eye check-ups are crucial for early detection.

While vitrectomy surgery is joint, gas bubble injection and medicinal approaches provide alternative, effective treatment options.


Understanding the challenges of Macular Holes, from their causes and symptoms to cutting-edge treatments, empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their eye health. Led by the expertise of distinguished eye doctors Paik Dong Won and Jung Sae Rom, Eyeonce not only diagnoses and treats Macular Holes with precision but also offers a compassionate and patient-centric approach. Book an appointment with us today!