Insight into Conjunctival Concretion: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions Eye Care March 15, 2024

Insight into Conjunctival Concretion: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Explore the world of conjunctival concretion—its causes, symptoms, and effective treatment options. Learn how to prevent and manage this eye condition and discover expert insights for a healthier vision from two of South Korea’s renowned eye doctors, Dr. Paik Don Won and Dr. Jung Sae Rom of Eyeonce Eye Clinic.

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What is Conjunctival Concretion?

Conjunctival concretion is characterized by gathering calcified (hardened) deposits on the conjunctiva, the delicate layer covering the eye’s white surface and inner eyelids. This accumulation of deposits can have significant implications for eye health.

The conjunctiva plays a role in maintaining eye moisture and protecting against external irritants. When calcified deposits form on the conjunctiva, individuals may experience various discomforts such as persistent irritation, noticeable redness or a bloodshot eye, and a general sense of unease in the affected eye, like a gritty or sandy sensation.

The discomfort associated with this condition can interfere with daily activities, impacting the quality of life for those affected. If left untreated, conjunctival concretion may contribute to a cycle of chronic irritation and inflammation, potentially leading to more severe complications. It’s a good thing that Eyeonce Eye Clinic offers personalized and effective treatment options for conjunctival concretion. Book an appointment with them today before it is too late!


The causes of conjunctival concretion often involve a combination of factors contributing to calcified deposits on the conjunctiva. While the exact etiology (cause) may vary among individuals, several common contributors are recognized, such as:

  • Age – Conjunctival concretion tends to be more prevalent in older adults. As individuals age, the likelihood of calcified deposits accumulating on the conjunctiva increases, making regular eye check-ups crucial for this demographic.
  • Chronic Eye Irritation – Prolonged exposure to irritants can trigger conjunctival concretion. Factors such as dust, pollutants, or allergens may lead to chronic irritation, prompting the deposition of calcified materials on the conjunctival surface.
  • Environmental Conditions – Harsh environmental conditions, including dry and dusty environments, can exacerbate eye irritation and contribute to the development of conjunctival concretion. Adequate protection, such as wearing sunglasses, may help mitigate these effects.
  • Underlying Health Conditions – Certain systemic conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or disorders affecting calcium metabolism, may increase the risk of conjunctival concretion. Understanding and managing these underlying health issues is crucial for preventing ocular complications.
  • Poor Tear Quality – Tears play a vital role in maintaining eye health, and alterations in tear composition or insufficient tear production can contribute to conjunctival concretion. Adequate hydration and addressing tear quality concerns are essential preventive measures.
  • Inadequate Eye Hygiene – Poor eye hygiene practices, including infrequent eye washing or improper contact lens care, can contribute to accumulating deposits on the conjunctiva. Adopting proper hygiene habits is critical to preventing conjunctival concretion.
  • Previous Eye Surgeries – Individuals with a history of eye surgeries or trauma may be more susceptible to conjunctival concretion. Postoperative care and regular follow-ups are essential to monitor and address potential complications.
  • Genetic Predispositions – A genetic component may influence an individual’s susceptibility to conjunctival concretion. Understanding one’s family medical history can provide insights into potential genetic factors.

When addressing conjunctival concretion and its associated concerns, seeking professional guidance is paramount. One notable establishment known for its commitment to eye health is Eyeonce Eye Clinic, recognized for its expertise in diagnosing and treating various ocular conditions, including conjunctival concretion.


Recognizing the symptoms of conjunctival concretion is crucial for timely intervention and effective management. Individuals experiencing this condition may exhibit various signals that indicate the presence of calcified deposits, such as:

  • Persistent Irritation – Individuals with conjunctival concretion often report a persistent sensation of irritation in the affected eye. This discomfort may manifest as a gritty or sandy feeling, leading to a constant awareness of the eye’s condition.
  • Redness – Conjunctival concretion can cause noticeable redness in the affected eye. Calcified deposits may contribute to inflammation, giving the eye a bloodshot appearance.
  • Discomfort or Pain – While conjunctival concretion is generally not painful, some individuals may experience mild discomfort. This discomfort can range from a subtle awareness of the eye to a more pronounced sensation of pressure.
  • Excessive Tearing – Calcified deposits may disrupt the average tear film, leading to increased tearing of water eyes. Excessive tearing is a typical response to the irritation caused by conjunctival concretion.
  • Foreign Body Sensation – Individuals with conjunctival concretion may feel like a foreign object, like sand or grit, is in their eye. This sensation can contribute to the overall discomfort associated with the condition.
  • Blurry Vision – In some cases, conjunctival concretion may affect the clarity of vision. Blurred vision can occur due to disrupting the average tear film or deposits on the conjunctiva.

It is important to note that the severity and combination of symptoms can vary among individuals. If someone experiences persistent eye discomfort, redness, or any of the mentioned symptoms, seeking professional medical advice from an eye care specialist, such as those at Eyeonce Eye Clinic, is recommended. Early detection and proper management can alleviate symptoms and contribute to maintaining optimal eye health.

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Consequences of Untreated Conjunctival Concretion

Leaving conjunctival concretion untreated can lead to various complications and negatively impact overall eye health. While conjunctival concretion itself is not typically a severe condition, neglecting proper management and intervention may contribute to the following consequences:

  • Chronic Discomfort – Untreated conjunctival concretion can result in ongoing discomfort and irritation. The accumulation of calcified deposits on the conjunctiva may continue to cause a gritty or sandy sensation in the affected eye, leading to persistent discomfort.
  • Increased Redness – The redness associated with conjunctival concretion may intensify without appropriate treatment. The inflammation caused by the hardened deposits can make the eye appear increasingly bloodshot, affecting its overall aesthetic and potentially causing concern for the individual.
  • Compromised Vision – In some cases, untreated conjunctival concretion may contribute to blurred vision. The disruption of the tear film and deposits on the conjunctiva can impact the clarity of the vision, affecting daily activities and quality of life.
  • Risk of Infection – Prolonged irritation and compromised eye health can increase the risk of secondary bacterial or viral infections. Calcified deposits may create an environment conducive to microbial growth, leading to potential eye infections if left untreated.
  • Progression of Eye Conditions – Individuals with conjunctival concretion may be more susceptible to worsening underlying eye conditions. Chronic irritation and inflammation can contribute to the progression of ocular issues, emphasizing the importance of addressing conjunctival concretion promptly.
  • Decreased Quality of Life – Persistent discomfort, redness, and compromised vision can significantly impact an individual’s overall quality of life. Daily activities like reading, driving, or computer work may become challenging, affecting both professional and personal aspects of life.

To mitigate these potential consequences, seek professional medical help from South Korea’s expert eye doctors, Dr. Paik Dong Won and Dr. Jung Sae Rom. By addressing conjunctival concretion with them, you can minimize the risk of complications and maintain optimal eye health.

Treatment Options

Eyeonce Eye Clinic has been proven to provide advanced treatment options for conjunctival concretion, such as:

Lubricating Eye Drops of Ointments

  • Mild cases of conjunctival concretion causing discomfort may be managed with lubricating eye drops or ointments.
  • Lubricating Eye Drops and Ointments help alleviate symptoms and improve the overall condition of the conjunctiva.

Mechanical Removal

  • Mechanical removal may be performed in more advanced cases where calcified deposits are more extensive or cause significant irritation.
  • An eye care professional typically does this procedure in a controlled environment.
  • Surgical Intervention
  • Surgical procedures may be considered for cases requiring more extensive intervention.
  • Techniques such as conjunctival incision and excision may be employed to remove calcified deposits.

Prevention Measures

  • Identifying and addressing underlying causes, such as chronic eye irritation, is crucial for preventing recurrence.
  • Implementing preventive measures, including proper eye hygiene and protection from environmental irritants, is emphasized.


  • Medications targeting specific conditions (e.g., autoimmune disorders) may be prescribed depending on the underlying factors contributing to conjunctival concretion.

Follow-up Care

  • Regular follow-up appointments with an eye care professional are essential to monitor the conditions’ progress post-treatment.
  • The treatment plan may be adjusted based on the individual’s response.

Understanding that each case of conjunctival concretion is unique, the choice of diagnostic procedures and treatment options may vary. Consulting with an experienced eye care specialist, such as those at Eyeonce Eye Clinic, ensures personalized care tailored to the individual’s specific condition and needs.

Diagnosis and Treatment

A thorough eye examination assesses overall eye health, including the conjunctiva.

  • Our eye doctors at Eyeonce examine the appearance of the conjunctiva, looking for signs of calcified deposits.
  • Slit-lamp Biomicroscopy
  • Slit-lamp biomicroscopy allows for a detailed examination of the conjunctiva using a specialized microscope.
  • This procedure helps magnify and visualize the calcified deposits on the conjunctival surface.

Conjunctival Scraping

  • In some cases, a small sample of conjunctival tissue may be collected for microscopic analysis.
  • Conjunctival scraping helps confirm the presence of calcified deposits and rule out other potential causes.

Imaging Tests

  • Imaging techniques, such as ocular coherence tomography (OCT) or ultrasound, may be employed to visualize the conjunctiva in greater detail.
  • These tests assist in determining the extent and location of calcified deposits.

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Utmost Patient Care

Our eye care professionals and staff ensure to give you your money’s worth. We guarantee you receive the best medication possible and assure you that you are guided and understood, making you feel comfortable and confident at every step. 

Comprehensive Consultation

Eyeonce Eye Clinic offers comprehensive eye examinations to evaluate your condition and determine the best eye strain treatment. Our ophthalmologists take their time to cater to your questions and address your concerns, ensuring you make an informed decision about our vision correction options.

Expert Eye Doctors

Our ophthalmologists, Head Director Dr. Paik Dong Won and Medical Director Dr. Jung Sae Rom, are highly knowledgeable and adept in treating eye strain. They always use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In most cases, conjunctival concretions are not painful; however, they can cause discomfort, a gritty sensation, and irritation in the affected eye.

Yes. To alleviate symptoms, mild cases may be managed with lubricating eye drops or ointments. However, more advanced cases may require surgical intervention for removal.

While uncommon, recurrence can happen. Regular follow-up appointments and adopting preventive measures help minimize the risk of recurrence.


Like any other eye condition, conjunctival concretion is manageable. You will achieve enhanced visual understanding, comfort, and enduring ocular well-being with the right eye doctors, such as Dr. Paik Dong Won and Jung Sae Rom. Book an appointment with them today!