Corneal Abrasion: Who’s at Higher Risk and Why Eye Care January 9, 2024

Corneal Abrasion: Who’s at Higher Risk and Why

Our eyes are a delicate organ that requires proper care and protection, especially from specific injuries like cornea abrasion—a cut or scratch on the cornea’s surface. This eye injury may result from various factors, including foreign objects, eye trauma, contact lens misuse, and even minor accidents.

Although corneal abrasion is not likely severe, it still demands proper intervention and medication to prevent it from causing aggravated and irreversible damage. Consulting an eye doctor such as Dr. Paik Dong Won or Dr. Jung Sae Rom is the best way to ensure that the injury does not lead to long-term vision problems. 

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Causes and Risk Factors

Corneal abrasions can be caused by various factors and are influenced by several risk factors, such as the following:


  • Foreign objects – Dust, debris, particles, or even tiny eyelashes can contact the cornea, causing scratches. 
  • Eye trauma – Accidental pokes, scratches, or eye impacts can lead to corneal abrasions.
  • Contact lens misuse – Wearing dirty or damaged contact lenses, using expired solutions, or failing to properly clean and disinfect lenses can cause friction between the lens and the cornea, resulting in abrasions.
  • Dry eyes – Tears play a crucial role in maintaining the smoothness of the corneal surface; insufficient tear production, often seen in conditions like dry eye syndrome, can lead to a roughened cornea, making it more susceptible to abrasions.
  • Incorrect eye drops – Applying the wrong type of eye drops, especially those with high pH levels, can irritate the cornea and potentially cause abrasions.
  • Chemical exposure – Direct contact with chemicals or cleaning agents that are not eye-safe may lead to corneal damage and abrasions.

Risk Factors

  • Occupation and activities – Individuals engaged in outdoor activities, sports, or jobs that expose them to dust, particles, or flying objects are at a higher risk of corneal abrasion. It includes athletes, construction workers, and those who are in manufacturing industries.
  • Contact lens wearers – People who wear contact lenses, exceptionally if not adequately cared for, have a high risk of experiencing corneal abrasion.
  • Poorly-fitted eyewear – Wearing eyeglasses or sunglasses that do not fit properly can lead to wind, dust, or foreign objects entering the eye, causing abrasions.
  • Eye rubbing – Frequent, vigorous eye rubbing—whether due to allergies or fatigue—may introduce foreign particles to the eye’s surface and lead to abrasions.
  • Dry eye conditions – People having chronic dry eye conditions have an increased risk due to the reduced production of tears, which have a protective effect on the corneal surface.
  • Previous eye surgery – Individuals who have undergone eye surgeries like LASIK or cataract surgery may have temporarily altered corneal surfaces, increasing their susceptibility to abrasions.
  • Environmental factors – Harsh weather conditions, such as strong winds or sandstorms, can expose eyes to irritants that cause abrasions.
  • Personal hygiene – Poor hygiene practices like not washing hands before touching the eyes can introduce harmful particles and cause abrasions.

Our eye doctors at Eyeonce Eye Clinic emphasize the importance of taking proactive steps to prevent corneal abrasions, such as proper eye protection, careful contact lens use, maintaining optimal eye health, and seeking prompt medical attention to prevent complications and ensure effective treatment.

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Corneal abrasions come with a range of symptoms that can be distressing and uncomfortable, such as:

  • Severe eye pain
  • Watery eyes
  • Redness and irritation
  • Foreign object sensation
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • Swollen eyes or eyelids
  • Blurred or distorted vision
  • Excessive blinking

 You must seek immediate medical attention if you feel any of the above symptoms. Eyeonce Eye Clinic—a trusted name in eye care—is well-equipped to address corneal abrasions and related eye issues, providing patients with professional evaluation and customized treatment options.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing and treating corneal abrasions require expertise and proper medical. Here is how we do it the Eyeonce way:


  • Clinical evaluation – Our experienced ophthalmologists at Eyeonce Eye Clinic will begin with a thorough clinical evaluation by asking about your symptoms, medical history, and recent eye injuries.
  • Slit lamp examination – A slit lamp is used to examine the cornea in detail, allowing our ophthalmologists to assess the abrasion’s size, depth, location, and associated complications.
  • Fluorescein staining – Fluorescein dye is applied to the eye’s surface. The dye adheres to the damaged areas, making the abrasion more visible under a blue light.
  • Visual acuity test – An eye chart assesses your visual acuity and determines if the abrasion affects your vision. It aids in understanding the extent of the injury.


  • Medication – Depending on the severity of the abrasion, our ophthalmologists at Eyeonce may prescribe antibiotics or antimicrobial eye drops to prevent infection. Lubricating eye drops can also provide relief from discomfort.
  • Pain management – Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications may be recommended to manage the intense pain associated with corneal abrasions. 
  • Eye patching – At Eyeonce, our eye doctors will determine if patching is necessary based on the abrasion’s size and location. An eye patch is sometimes needed to promote faster healing and prevent further irritation.

 Corneal abrasion can be managed with timely and appropriate treatment. At Eyeonce Eye Clinic, we stand by your side throughout the diagnosis and treatment process. With a team of skilled ophthalmologists and patient-centered medical expertise, you are placing your eye health in the right hands.

Why choose Eyeonce Eye Clinic Gangnam for corneal abrasion treatment?

Utmost Patient Care

Our eye care professionals and staff ensure to give you your money’s worth. We guarantee you receive the best medication possible and assure you that you are guided and understood, making you feel comfortable and confident at every step. 

Comprehensive Consultation

Eyeonce Eye Clinic offers comprehensive eye examinations to evaluate your condition and determine the best corneal abrasion treatment. Our ophthalmologists take their time to cater to your questions and address your concerns, ensuring you make an informed decision about our vision correction options.

Expert Eye Doctors

Our ophthalmologists, Head Director Dr. Paik Dong Won and Medical Director Dr. Jung Sae Rom, are highly knowledgeable and adept in treating corneal abrasion. They always use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

: While minor abrasions may heal without medical intervention, it is best to consult an eye doctor to avoid complications.

Untreated corneal abrasions may lead to infections, corneal ulcers, keratitis, iritis, and potential vision loss

It is advisable to avoid wearing contact lenses until the abrasion has fully healed to prevent further irritation.


Corneal abrasions can be painful and unsettling, but they are highly manageable with timely intervention, proper preventive measures, and consultation with expert eye doctors such as Dr. Paik Dong Won and Dr. Jung Sae Rom from Eyeonce Eye Clinic. Book an appointment with them today and experience the difference that expert care can make.