EYE SURGERY Eye Care January 19, 2023


At Seoul Guide Medical, we are true to our word in offering the most satisfying results you would ever get. We guarantee results that will yield the perfect ratio suited for your eyes.

The eyes are the most beautiful when they are balanced and in harmony. The most common form of eye surgery is correcting asymmetry in the eyelids. Technically known as blepharoplasty, it can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids and significantly improve the appearance. In certain patients, it can also enhance the function of their eyes. Sometimes, it can also be done in conjunction with the outer part of the brow.

Generally, to create a balanced appearance, the width of each eye should be between 30mm-34mm for most people. The inner corners of the eyes should line up perpendicular to the edges of the nose, called nose alars, while the outer corner of the eye should make a straight diagonal line to the nose alars. Also, the angle of the eyes leading from the inner to the outer corner should have a slight elevation. These proportions can significantly impact your appearance, whether aesthetically or functionally.

Various procedures are done depending on the anatomical structure and angle of one’s eyes. The goal is to make the eyes balance out the other parts of the face creating a natural and younger look. The most famous eye surgeries performed are double eyelid surgery and under-eye surgery for their high-satisfactory rate and affordability. These procedures can treat loose or sagging skin with excess fatty deposits that create folds, disturb the natural contour of the eyes, and sometimes impair vision.

Seoul Guide Medical is one of the pioneers to offer state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to help achieve a natural and more youthful appearance with minimal side effects and long-lasting results. Eye surgery consists of both incisional and non-incisional procedures. You will have many options, and SGM is here to help you pick the best methods suited to your needs. These procedures not only help with your aesthetic but also can be a great way to harmonize and balance the proportions of your face, resulting in a naturally younger look.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation; we will help you get the correct treatments with skilled doctors and the best services we can offer.


Preparation Before Eye Procedures

Avoid taking drugs that may affect the surgery, such as certain vitamin supplements, blood clotting medicines (e.g., aspirin),  and hormone drugs (e.g., birth control pills), two weeks before your scheduled surgery. Inform our consultants if you are undergoing treatment for diabetes, thyroid, and heart diseases.

Avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol at least 3 days before your procedure.

The healthier you are before surgery, the faster you will recover. Make sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and food rich in protein to help you recover fast from the surgery and somehow lessen the side effects.

Wear comfortable clothes and get rid of all kinds of jewelry, contact lenses, and nail polish on the day of your scheduled surgery. Loose-fitting clothes like zip-ups can be worn.

Eye procedures are usually done under anesthesia. Depending on what type of procedure you will be undergoing, it is advised to avoid eating and drinking anything for 4-8 hours before the procedure.

SGM Aftercare Services

Our trained and skilled personnel will guide you through every step until the end of your procedure and when you return for a follow-up visit. We offer a premium aftercare package with healthy food and medications to help speed your recovery while you recuperate for a few hours.

You may experience some swelling after the surgery, but you don’t need to worry as this is a normal occurrence and will go down after 2-3 days. We will provide you with ice packs so the swelling can subside faster.

Medications to relieve pain, inflammation, and swelling and to prevent infection will be prescribed. Please complete your prescription and return for your scheduled check-up visits for the removal of sutures, final evaluation, and progress check.

Smoking and drinking alcohol are highly discouraged for at least 4 weeks after your surgery as it might affect your recovery and, possibly, your results.

After your eye surgery, it is critical that you avoid any factors that may exacerbate swelling and cause more damage than good. Wear protective eyewear, avoid sunbeds, and exposure to extreme temperatures (e.g. saunas).




Double eyelid surgeries are one of the most popular procedures offered in South Korea. From its name, one will know what the procedure entails, as these are perfect for those who seek to turn their single eyelid features into permanently bright-looking eyes.

There are various methods for creating a double eyelid. There are non-incisional and incisional (either full or partial) types of double eyelid surgery. Each has its advantages over the other, and undergoing either of these procedures may result in permanent or semi-permanent results. A proper evaluation by highly qualified doctors must be made to know precisely what kind of surgery method will be best for you. Thus, SGM guides you in choosing clinics with highly trained surgeons, where surgical side effects are minimal, and scars are reduced, making them nearly invisible.

The most effective and permanent solution is incisional double eyelid surgery if you have a single eyelid that makes your eyes look smaller. This procedure often consists of a full or partial incisional method. A delicate horizontal incision is made across the eyelid, and excess fat is removed. If you are ready to undergo the best transformation you will ever experience, don’t hesitate to consult with us today to see if you qualify.

Best Recommended To

  1. Those with a single eyelid or a monolid.
  2. Those who want to bring more definition to their eyes.
  3. Those who have thicker eyelids.
  4. Those who have unnecessary fat deposits in their eyelids.
  5. Those who have sagging or droopy eyelids.
  6. Those who want permanent results.

How It Works

SGM helps you connect with the top 1% of South Korean clinics; dedicated and highly qualified doctors will hold comprehensive consultations with you and design a detailed and personalized surgical plan that suits your needs and is in coordination with your goals.

A double eyelid surgery using the incisional technique involves making a delicate horizontal incision across the eyelid where excess skin, fat, and muscle are removed. The upper eyelids will be reshaped, resulting in a double lid that features wide and bright eyes. This incisional technique can be done wholly or partially, depending on the best method for you. A partial incisional double lid surgery forms a prominent eyelid fold with minimal cutting, thus creating quicker recovery time. A partial incision is best used for those who want a retouch and a more robust eyelid fix to develop natural and prominent eyes.

Double Eyelid Surgery: Partial Incisional Technique

Seoul Guide Medical invests in advanced technology to provide a modern take on blepharoplasty. Our partner doctors are well-versed in updated techniques of double eyelid procedures to offer safer and more effective results. SGM helps you achieve your aesthetic goals by ensuring minimal scarring after your surgery by making delicate incisions to produce less swelling and scarring, no possible releasing due to loose stitching, but a more naturally-looking appearance. Check this video out to learn how to take care of your eyes after a double eyelid surgery on our YouTube channel.

Surgery Details

Before & After



A double eyelid surgery using a non-incisional technique creates a natural crease without incising the skin. It tends to leave lesser scars and swelling than the incisional method. However, it only offers semi-permanent effects, unlike the incisional technique.

The non-incisional method may work for those who have single eyelids that are not too thick or droopy. This method can create natural double eyelids by tying delicate, invisible sutures along the lids without requiring an incision.

As this procedure is considered to have semi-permanent effects, there is a high probability that the sutures will fail. You will need to undergo this treatment again or another way to achieve natural double eyelids. The incisional method is best for most cases if you are looking for long-term results.

At Seoul Guide Medical, this procedure is done by highly trained surgeons who are experts in minimizing scarring and reducing swelling during the surgery so you can return to your daily activities as early as the day after. Consult with us today to learn if you qualify for this procedure.

Best Recommended To

1.     Patients who want to redefine their existing eyelids after a previous double lid procedure.

2.     Patients who do not have too saggy or droopy eyelids.

3.     Patient with thin eyelids.

4.     Patients who want natural-looking results.

5.     Patients who want asymmetrical eyelids.

6.     Patients who need a quick recovery time.

Main Features

1.     No incision

2.     No risk of scarring

3.     Quick recovery time

4.     Natural double eyelids

5.     Natural adhesion of the sutures for the eyelids’ skin and muscles to be naturally attached.

How It Works

Before every surgery, SGM will guide you to your chosen clinic, and there you will receive a thorough assessment by esteemed surgeons. You are also provided with a customized surgical design plan depending on your eye proportions and a few pointers on how the procedure will go.

Since no incisions are made during the surgery, unnecessary fat is removed through tiny holes or sulcus in the upper eyelid. After removing the excess fat, the upper eyelid skin will be connected to the elevating muscle by a special medical-grade suture to create a natural crease.

At Seoul Guide Medical, we guarantee that your goals are achieved and that results last a long time. Thus, our partner doctors are experts in not only focusing on the aesthetic purpose of the procedure but also ensuring that your double eyelid folds are kept in place for a long time, reducing the possibility of getting it loose.

Surgery Details



Canthoplasty is a procedure for enlarging one’s eyes into a more natural look. It is categorized into two methods: epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty. The difference between the two is what part of the eye is surgically altered to create large, natural, and gentle-looking eyes that harmonize with the overall face.

An epicanthoplasty corrects folds and wrinkles covering the inner angle of the eyes. These folds are usually called “Mongolian folds” or simply epicanthic folds. As these folds cover the eyes and appear more pronounced, they can make the eyes look smaller and create distance between one’s eyes, thus giving off a dull image. A softer and gentler look can be achieved by repositioning the epicanthic fold. This procedure often involves ptosis correction, double eyelid surgery, and lateral canthoplasty.

Since this procedure involves small and delicate incisions on the inner corner of the eyes, it requires high-precision techniques by qualified and skilled surgeons like our partner doctors here at Seoul Guide Medical. Visit or contact us for an in-depth consultation on whether you are eligible to undergo an epicanthoplasty.

Best Recommended To

  1. Patients with undefined eyes due to epicanthic folds extending to the lower eyelids.
  2. Patients whose eyes appear smaller and squinty.
  3. Patients who want a mild and softer look.
  4. Patients who want large, bolder eyes that can fill and balance one’s face.
  5. Patients with a narrow eye width or a wide gap between the eyes.
  6. Patients with sharp-looking eyes because of the angle of the inner eye corner.

How It Works

After a complete diagnostic examination and 3D face evaluation, our surgeons will customize an optimal design for the patient’s epicanthoplasty procedure. They consider the patient’s eye proportions, including the shape, angle, and length between them. Then, a small incision is made on the inner conjunctiva of the eye. Excess skin formed by the epicanthic fold will be removed and carefully stitched up then after to avoid visible scars. This will create lengthier and larger looks that naturally balance one’s appearance.

However, in some cases, a patient’s eyes may look too crowded and the eye width too narrow, and performing a simple epicanthoplasty can yield unsatisfactory results. Thus, surgeons carefully evaluate what eye shape is ideal for the patients to create a balanced appearance. This can be done by meticulously minimizing the incisions to remove the epicanthic folds and positioning the lower eyelids to avoid making the eyes look closer together. This type of method is called positioning epicanthoplasty.

Seoul Guide Medical is one of the leading clinics that can offer you the best services with our finest and most reputable surgeons. Availing of our surgical services can guarantee you a more harmonized and youthful appearance. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a consultation to start your aesthetic journey with us.

Surgery Details

Before & After



Lateral Canthoplasty is one of the two methods for enlarging one’s eyes into a more natural look. The difference between lateral and epicanthoplasty is what part of the eye is surgically altered to create large, relaxed, and gentle-looking eyes that harmonize with the overall face.

Lateral Canthoplasty involves lengthening the eye’s lateral canthal angle and correcting the eye’s outer tail. Through this procedure, smoother features with eye enlargement can be achieved. Seoul Guide Medical guarantees minimal side effects and highly satisfactory results.

Seoul Guide Medical offers state-of-the-art facilities with well-trained staff to accommodate you during your stay from the consultation until after your surgery. Visit or contact us for a free consultation to learn if you qualify for this procedure.

Best Recommended To

  1. Those who have excessive skin on the outer corner of their eye
  2. Those who have short and slanted eyes.
  3. Those who have a cross-eyed appearance
  4. Those who want a subtle and softer eye shape.
  5. Those whose eyes have an outer tail pointing too low.
  6. Those who have eyes that are too close to each other.

How It Works

Before the procedure, our partner doctors will assess the shape of your eyes, considering the angle and proportions that best suit your face. Then, a customized design plan will be made from the evaluation. The incision for a lateral canthoplasty is made horizontally, where excessive tissue is peeled and fixed into the inner periosteum of the eye. Then to prevent adhesion, the mucous membrane is removed and carefully sutured to avoid visible scars.

Sometimes, if deemed necessary, a dual canthoplasty is done where both lateral and epicanthoplasty are combined into one procedure. This procedure is for patients who want to maximize the results of the two surgeries.

At Seoul Guide Medical, we only partner with the top 1% of clinics and hospitals in South Korea; thus, highly skilled experts handle all the surgeries to offer a seamless treatment procedure with fewer adverse effects.

Surgery Details

Before & After



The under-eye love bands often seen in Hallyu Stars make one’s face look much younger and adorable. Thus, it is a popular procedure among women aged 20 – 35. Love bands are the plump areas under the eyes that consists of muscles. They reduce the appearance of fine lines under the eyes to create a delicate and youthful appearance.  

Aging causes the muscles under the eyelids to sag and eventually become droopy. This causes the under-eyes to look sunken, resulting in a dull image. To rectify this issue, adding “love bands” to your under-eyes could help you look more youthful and fresh. This popular Korean procedure involves injecting a filler or grafting autologous fat into the eye’s tear duct.

The most common method to add love bands in the under eye is via filler injections. However, fat grafting is equally effective in improving one’s dull appearance. Here at SGM, we highly recommend availing yourself of our free consultation to learn the best method. You need not worry, as Seoul Guide Medical offers a guaranteed solution to a more youthful look where you will be delighted.


Best Recommended To

  1. Patients who look dull and old because of sunken and dark circles.
  2. Patients who want to remove fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes.
  3. Patients who want a simple procedure to look younger without undergoing surgery.

How It Works

The most common and popular method to fill the under eyes and create a love band is filler injections. It is a simple procedure involving well-researched and high-quality branded fillers lasting up to 6 months. However, it is not a permanent solution; sometimes, the filler may be visible under the skin. Since it offers temporary results, it can be reversible if you are unsatisfied.

With fat grafting, it creates the most natural and permanent love bands. This procedure involves a small incision under the eyes after a comprehensive consultation with one of our highly skilled partner doctors. A personalized design plan will be made to ensure it will suit your face best. Delicate incisions of about 5mm will be made below the outer corner of the eyes. The skin will be separated from the underlying tissue for the customized artificial graft to be placed. Intricate stitches are made to finish the procedure and prevent visible scars.

Sometimes, under-eye fat repositioning is done before this procedure to produce a fresher look. Don’t hesitate to consult with us today to achieve the gentler and angelic look you have always desired.

Before & After

Surgery Details




Tired and droopy-looking eyes? Do not fret, for Seoul Guide Medical offers a way to a much brighter and less fatigued appearance. Ptosis is when the upper eyelid droops over the eye, which causes an individual to look tired and dull. With this issue, the eyelid sometimes droops so much that it covers the pupil and may limit or even completely block normal vision.  Technically described as a pathologic droopy eyelid, ptosis may occur due to various factors such as trauma or medical disorders but commonly happen as we age. Upper eyelid ptosis, or blepharoptosis, may result from damage to the nerve that controls the muscle of the eyelid and problems with the eyelid’s muscle strength.

As ptosis affects one’s vision, it causes one to use one’s forehead muscles more often to compensate for this. As a result, this creates more lines and wrinkles on one’s forehead. Ptosis correction can solve sleepy-looking eyes, forehead wrinkles, and worsening eyesight.

To achieve optimal results, sometimes a double eyelid surgery is done in combination with ptosis correction. Seoul Guide Medical helps you attain your desired look and guarantees a natural, even, and more youthful appearance with our state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Feel free to consult with us today!

Best Recommended To

  1. Those who have sleepy, droopy, and tired-looking eyes.
  2. Those who have asymmetrical eyes.
  3. Those who have had an unsatisfying previous eye surgery.
  4. Those who have forehead wrinkles and lines due to weak eye-opening strength.
  5. Those who have undefined eyelids.

How It Works

Our specialists will thoroughly examine your eye condition with the help of our highly advanced technology. Our partner doctors will determine the causes of the individual’s ptosis to design a personalized surgical plan. A non-incisional or incisional procedure is offered to patients depending on their condition.

In most cases, an incision is made on the thin and thick layers of the eyelids, and excess tissue and fat are removed. The muscles are then tightened, and the area is sutured. Sometimes during an incisional ptosis procedure, a double eyelid procedure is often done if the patient requests it. Usually, the double eyelid is reformed better or newly created with ptosis correction. This is the most complex procedure of the eyes and must be done by a highly-skilled specialist, just like the doctors we’ve partnered with at Seoul Guide Medical.

While a non-incisional ptosis correction utilizes tiny holes to remove unnecessary orbital fats, this involves minimal swelling and scarring and produces natural results. However, this method does not create defined double eyelids and only works well if the soft tissues on the upper eyelids are thick enough.

Bruising and swelling are commonly seen after surgery; this will eventually fade with proper aftercare. Seoul Guide Medical ensures a safe procedure with our premium before and aftercare services.

Surgery Details

Before & After



As the skin ages, it tends to sag and lose its elasticity, especially on the face. The eyelids are not an exception to it. Sometimes due to severe sagginess, the eyelid almost covers the irises causing it to block one’s eye vision. To remedy this issue, blepharoplasty is often recommended to achieve the once youthful and fresh-looking eyelids to create a balanced appearance.

Upper Blepharoplasty involves the incision of the upper eyelid to excise unnecessary skin and fat to tighten the muscles around the eyes. However, blepharoplasty is not only the simple cutting of the saggy parts found in the eyelids but also improving the overall balance of the eyelids, to which it can be in harmony with other parts of the face. Without this procedure, the forehead is forced to work harder to open the eyes, creating medium to deep wrinkles and lines.

The inability to see correctly due to the limited field of vision caused by droopy eyelids can be a hassle in one’s daily life. At Seoul Guide Medical, we offer upper blepharoplasty to remove saggy skin and create new double eyelid lines, resulting in a glowing, well-functioning, and much more natural facial profile.  

SGM provides the best services with accommodating staff and highly skilled surgeons. We will guide you to achieving your desired results most safely and effectively as possible. Don’t hesitate to visit or contact us for a free consultation to achieve a well-balanced and youthful look.

Best Recommended To

  1. Those who have eyelid skin thickness suitable for the procedure.
  2. Those whose droopy eyelid hinder their eyesight.
  3. Those who have a sleepy or tired-looking appearance.
  4. Those who have undefined double eyelids
  5. Those who want to treat the deep lines and wrinkles in the forehead caused by constantly supporting the eyelid muscle when opening the eyes.


  1. It can create double eyelids and remove unnecessary fat and muscle above the double eyelid line through delicate incisions.
  2. Lifts the loosened skin to bring back the elasticity of the eyelids.
  3. Extensive assessment by expert surgeons.
  4. Guaranteed safe and effective procedure

How It Works

During an upper blepharoplasty surgery, the patient will be under anesthesia. Following the surgical plan, loose skin and excess fat are removed via delicate incisions to make space for the eyelid to be connected to the elevating muscles of the upper eyelid. Then the incision line is meticulously sutured to avoid unnecessary scars other than the new double eyelid crease. Upon diagnosis, surgeons from our partner clinics make calculated decisions to achieve natural results following the patient’s preference and what is also best for them.

Surgery Details



Lower blepharoplasty is a procedure that involves tightening one’s lower eyelid. As we age, the fat surrounding our eyes tends to droop, and eventually, the skin around it starts to sag. As a result, your appearance may look sunken, dull, and tired. At Seoul Guide Medical, we can help improve one’s aging eyes by removing the sagging skin and loose fat found in the under eye through a procedure called lower blepharoplasty.  

Lower blepharoplasty removes excess skin and fat, usually accompanied by tissue-preserving eye fat repositioning and fat grafting techniques to restore facial volume lost due to aging. Our partner surgeons apply the appropriate methods through this procedure, and results are guaranteed to rejuvenate the lower eyelids addressing the patient’s eye issues.   

Seoul Guide Medical partners with top clinics and hospitals in South Korea to offer safe and effective under-eye blepharoplasty to achieve your desired results. At SGM, we help you choose the best clinics with highly trained doctors and staff that can provide an accurate diagnosis and design plan that best suits your needs while offering detailed consultation and premium before and aftercare services. Feel free to consult with us today!

Best Recommended To

  1. Those who have deep wrinkles and fine lines surrounding the eyes.
  2. Those who have bumpy under eyes due to unnecessary fat.
  3. Those who have severe skin sagging in their under eyes
  4. Those with excess fat must be repositioned or removed.

How It Works

A specialist will carefully diagnose the bulging fat and lacrimal groove of the eye, and a customized surgical plan will be prepared for you. The surgical method will depend on the amount of fat and skin to be excised to reach an outcome that suits your facial profile best. A small incision will be made near the eyelashes where the lacrimal groove is situated under the eyes. Unnecessary fat and skin is excised to reshape the eyes corresponding to the plan customized for you.

Suturing is done along the top of the lower eyelid, meaning the scarring is virtually invisible. Seoul Guide Medical guarantees a long-lasting glowing and youthful look after a lower blepharoplasty. Highly-trained surgeons from our partner clinics ensure no possibility of skin sagging recurrence by approaching the procedure with only approved and advanced techniques. However, this procedure does not eradicate eye bags as it does not touch the muscles that make up the under-eye bags.

Don’t hesitate to visit or contact us and avail yourself of our free consultation.

Surgery Details

While a non-incisional ptosis correction utilizes tiny holes to remove unnecessary orbital fats, this involves minimal swelling and scarring and produces natural results. However, this method does not create defined double eyelids and only works well if the soft tissues on the upper eyelids are thick enough.

Bruising and swelling are commonly seen after surgery; this will eventually fade with proper aftercare. Seoul Guide Medical ensures a safe procedure with our premium before and aftercare services.

Surgery Details



The eyelid easily stretches and loses its elasticity upon aging because the skin around it is fragile and delicate. As the eyelid skin stretches and shrinks, it can obscure one’s vision. Resecting this loose skin and rejuvenating the eyes can be done through an eyebrow lift. An eyebrow lift is effective when the main goal is to tighten loose skin and bring back its elasticity without changing the eye shape.  

A sub-brow or brow lift is often confused with an upper blepharoplasty because of the similar effects and results they produce. However, an eyebrow lift is best recommended for those with thicker eyelid skin. A small non-linear incision is made either above or below the eyebrow, and skin is pulled and tightened to produce a more natural and youthful appearance keeping the original shape of one’s eyes and double eyelid lines.

Seoul Guide Medical can provide personalized consultations and tell you which methods are the best for you. Don’t hesitate to visit or contact us to avail yourself of our free consultation.

Best Recommended To

  1. Those who look older than their actual age.
  2. Those who want brighter and rejuvenated eyes.
  3. Those who do not desire double eyelids but want to tighten their eyelid skin.
  4. Those who have sagging eyelids that may obscure their eye vision and, as a result, their eyelashes poke their eyes.


  1. Elastic eyelid and tightened the skin around the eyes.
  2. Produces natural looks and rejuvenates eyes.
  3. No visible scars
  4. Produces both aesthetic and functional improvement.
  5. Quick recovery time.

How It Works

Most cases call for a sub-brow lift with enough space between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid for an incision. After surgery, the incised line will be virtually invisible since it will be hidden in the lower part of the eyebrow. While in an eyebrow lift, an incision is made when there is insufficient space between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. The incision is made above the eyebrow line instead. Both methods remove excess skin and muscle to pull the remaining muscle layer upwards, fixing it on the periosteum (a membrane covering the bone). After tightening the skin and connecting the eyelids to the elevating muscles, the line incised line is sutured into place, resulting in natural smooth skin free from wrinkles.

Seoul Guide Medical offers premium aftercare services to ensure long-lasting and durable effects. We partner with the top 1% of clinics and doctors in the area to guide you in achieving your goals of a youthful and more balanced look. 

Surgery Details



As we age, fat clumps under our eyes create a bumpy appearance. In some cases, fat loosens and makes sunken eyes leading to dark circles. This produces an older, duller, and unhealthy appearance. Since our under eyes set the tone of our faces, many individuals undergo surgery to remove excess fat or even out the bags under the eyes to create a youthful and glowing appearance. Various procedures can be done for the under eye, such as lower blepharoplasty, under-eye fat repositioning,  under-eye fat grafting, or under-eye fat removal surgery. These methods all focus on removing or repositioning excess fat and skin at the lower part of the eyes, commonly known as eye bags.

Seoul Guide Medical offers two great options for beautiful and brighter eyes in partnership with only the top 1% of clinics and hospitals in Korea. These procedures only last for 30 minutes, depending on the method used and the condition of the under-eye.

One of the methods offered by SGM is under-eye fat repositioning. It involves an internal incision that releases clumped fats and is repositioned to even out under the eyes, creating a younger, healthier, more vibrant look. In contrast, under-eye fat grafting involves transferring fat from a part of your body, usually from the thighs or abdomen, to the under eyes that lack volume. Before it is grafted, the fat is processed and purified using highly advanced technology at our state-of-the-art facilities.

We at SGM can guarantee that your desired results are achieved with less downtime and minimal scarring. Come and visit us or contact us for a free consultation from our highly trained surgeons.

Best Recommended To

  1. Those who have tired and a dull image due to sunken eyes and dark circles.
  2. Those who want a healthier and glowing appearance.
  3. Those who have excessive under-eye fat.
  4. Those who want a younger look by adding or repositioning under eye fat to create attractive love bands or aegyo-sal.

How It Works

Seoul Guide Medical helps you choose a clinic that best suits your needs. Once you have undergone a comprehensive evaluation, your doctor customizes a design plan considering your eye structure and shape, skin thickness, and amount of fat for grafting. The methods mentioned beforehand involve small incisions under the eye to either relocate fat or remove unnecessary fat.

Under eye fat repositioning is designed to separate the ligaments in the lacrimal groove and improve the dullness of the eyes. It is done by opening the bulging area under the eyes and relocating the excess fats to fill the hollow spaces. Incisions are made on the inner corner under the eyes, so scars are virtually invisible. The operation only lasts for 30 minutes; hence recovery time is fast. Additionally, it is very effective to overcome dark circles because repositioning the fats can create an exact shape under the eyes.

Another similar method is fat grafting, where fat is grafted from a part of the body and relocated to the under-eye. In most cases, doctors prefer thigh fat because it produces more prolonged and effective results than belly fat. While Under Eye Fat Removal is for those who have bulky eye bags. Through this procedure, it is relatively simple to remove excess fat from the fat pockets, commonly known as eye bags.

These procedures can be done alone or in combination for optimum results. Don’t hesitate to avail yourself of our free consultation and learn what method is best for you. Experience a youthful and fresh-looking face with us at SGM.

Surgery Details



A revision eye surgery aims to bring back youthfulness by reforming the eye shape that is naturally attractive and ideal for one’s face. Usually, it is done after an unsuccessful eye surgery or when patients are unsatisfied with the results of their previous eye correction procedures. However, this procedure is not for everyone and cannot be done hastily. Revision cases are often more complex and expensive than a first-time procedure. Since it is generally a re-operation, one should undergo a carefully conducted assessment by a well-experienced and skilled medical team to avoid repeats of the surgery.

It is always better to get a procedure done right the first time, but if it can’t be helped and is deemed necessary, SGM is your trusted expert to help you the second time. Seoul Guide Medical recommends that patients undergo revision eye surgery at least three (3) to six (6) months later in consideration of their after-surgery side effects, such as swelling of the incision site and the healing process of one’s skin. However, the time of a re-operation depends on what surgery the patient previously had.

To learn more about revision eye surgery, avail of our free, one-on-one, and detailed consultation with only the best team of highly skilled professionals and experience convenience, change, and effective results that only Seoul Guide Medical can offer.

Best Recommended To

  1. Those who have had unsatisfactory results from their previous surgery.
  2. Those who have an unnatural and asymmetrical eye shape.
  3. Those who want to fix displaced double eyelid lines.
  4. Those with recurring eye problems, such as weak eyelids that tend to droop and sag.
  5. Those who have severe adhesion due to excessive skin tissue removal.


  1. Customized surgical plan.
  2. Premium aftercare services to prevent another revision surgery.
  3. Minimal pain through the use of localized or twilight anesthesia.
  4. Board-certified and well-experienced

How It Works

Revision Eye Surgery consists of various procedures depending on the state of the eye that needs to be fixed. Considering that it is done over a previous surgery, there would be complications, and the process would be more complex. However, the goal remains the same: the eyes must look beautiful and natural-looking, balancing one’s appearance. To do this, the surgery must be conducted considering the volume of the eyelids, the height and depth of double eyelids, the severity of the adhesion, and the amount of strength in the ocular muscles. If these factors do not balance or harmonize with each other, results may be catastrophic.   

Seoul Guide Medical ensures all aspects are considered and well-diagnosed to formulate a surgical design plan that will produce error-free and optimal results. Revision eye surgery consists of one or a combination of procedures regarding the patient’s customized plan and their previous surgery. For example, after a previous double eyelid surgery, there are some cases where the eyelid is too low or high. To remedy this, our partner doctors remove the scars on the existing double eyelids and create new ones of proper size and measurement.

The same goes if there is severe adhesion which causes static eyelids, or undesired adhesion, which causes triple folds in the eyelids. In these cases, adhesion is removed and corrected in the ideal shape to create organic and dynamic double eyelids that are visible when the eyes are open and naturally disappear when the eyes are closed.

A revision eye surgery may be deemed necessary due to various reasons. These causes are analyzed during the diagnosis phase so that the surgery will proceed smoothly. It is essential to understand that revision eye surgery may require a longer recovery because of its complicated process and possible complications. However, you do not need to worry because SGM offers excellent post-operation care to our patients so that they will feel comfortable and relaxed during their recuperation.

Check out this fantastic revision surgery transformation from one of our partner clinics on our YouTube channel.

Surgery Details