Pinguecula Complications and When to Seek Treatment Eye Care November 2, 2023

Pinguecula Complications and When to Seek Treatment

Pinguecula is a benign, yellowish bump or deposit that forms on the conjunctiva, the clear, thin tissue covering the white part of your eye. It usually appears on the side closest to your nose and can affect one or both eyes. This eye condition is often linked to exposure to UV light, dust, wind, and other environmental factors.

Untreated pinguecula may impose potential complications. Regular eye check-ups from a trusted eye center like Eyeonce Eye Clinic are imperative to help monitor the condition and address any concerns promptly, ensuring the ongoing health and comfort of your eyes.


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Pinguecula VS. Surfer’s Eyes (Pterygium)

While pinguecula and pterygium involve growths on the eye’s surface and can be related to environmental factors like UV exposure, they differ in location, nature, symptoms, and potential for complications. 

Pinguecula is generally benign and less invasive, causing discomfort and cosmetic concerns. On the other hand, pterygium can be more aggressive and may require more extensive treatment, mainly if it affects vision. 

Causes and Risk Factors

Below is a detailed explanation of the different causes and risk factors associated with pinguecula.


  • UV exposure – Prolonged and excessive exposure to sun ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a primary cause of pinguecula. UV rays can damage the conjunctiva over time, leading to the formation of this eye growth.
  • Environmental factors – Pinguecula is also associated with environmental factors such as dust, wind, and dry air or arid climates. Dust and debris can irritate the eyes, making them more susceptible to pinguecula.
  • Aging – As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes, including those in the eye’s structure and tissues. Pinguecula is widespread among individuals 40 years old and above.

Risk Factors

  • Geographical location
  • Occupational exposure
  • Outdoor activities
  • Gender
  • Genetics

Preventing and managing pinguecula involves wearing sunglasses with UV protection, using artificial tears in dry environments, and seeking timely medical intervention from Eyeonce Eye Clinic, especially when unusual concerns arise.


Pinguecula symptoms range from mild discomfort to more noticeable irritations. Some of its known symptoms are the following:

  • Eye irritation – One of the most common symptoms of pinguecula is a persistent feeling of irritation in the affected eye or eyes. 
  • Burning sensation – Pinguecula can often lead to a burning or stinging sensation in the eye. This symptom is particularly noticeable in windy or dry environments, where the eye’s surface may already be compromised.
  • Redness – Pinguecula can cause localized redness on the white part of the eye. This redness may be more pronounced if the pinguecula becomes inflamed or irritated due to environmental factors.
  • Dryness – Individuals with pinguecula may experience dryness in the affected eye, which can exacerbate discomfort. The eye may feel gritty, as though it lacks adequate moisture.
  • Foreign body sensation – Pinguecula can give the sensation of a foreign body, like sand or dust trapped in the eye. 
  • Blurred vision (rare) – While pinguecula does not directly affect vision, it can lead to blurred vision in severe cases or when the growth encroaches onto the cornea.

Eyeonce Eye Clinic is dedicated to providing expert care, including evaluating and managing Pinguecula-related symptoms. Eyeonce’s experienced ophthalmologists, Dr. Paik Dong Won and Dr. Jung Sae Rom are well-versed in addressing pinguecula and its associated discomfort.

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Diagnosis and Treatment

Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential to alleviate symptoms and discomfort caused by pinguecula. Eyeonce Eye Clinic offers tailored diagnosis and treatment that typically follow these procedures:


  • Clinical examination – A diagnosis of pinguecula begins with a clinical examination by an eye specialist at Eyeonce. This examination involves closely examining the affected eye or eyes to identify the characteristic yellowish or white growth on the conjunctiva.
  • Symptom assessment – Our ophthalmologist will inquire about any symptoms you may be experiencing, such as eye irritation, burning sensation, redness, or a foreign body sensation. Documenting the nature and severity of these symptoms is crucial for diagnosis.
  • Medical history – Your medical history, including any previous eye conditions or surgeries, will be reviewed to understand your eye health comprehensively.
  • Use of specialized instruments – In some cases, our eye care professionals at Eyeonce use specialized instruments, such as a slit lamp, to examine the pinguecula in more detail and assess its size and location.


The treatment approach for pinguecula depends on the severity of symptoms and any complications. Here are treatment options available at Eyeonce Eye Clinic.

  • Lubricating eye drops – Lubricating eye drops may be recommended for mild cases of pinguecula with minor discomfort and dryness, providing relief from irritation and helping maintain adequate eye moisture.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications – Topical anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed in cases of pinguecula with significant redness and inflammation. These medications can reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.
  • Surgical removal – In rare instances where pinguecula causes severe symptoms, significantly affects vision, or becomes cosmetically bothersome, surgical removal may be considered. 

Our eye doctors at Eyeonce Eye Clinic also emphasize the importance of preventive measures and regular eye check-ups to address your condition appropriately.

Why choose Eyeonce Eye Clinic Gangnam for pinguecula treatment?

Utmost Patient Care

Our eye care professionals and staff ensure to give you your money’s worth. We guarantee you receive the best medication possible and assure you that you are guided and understood, making you feel comfortable and confident at every step. 

Comprehensive Consultation

Eyeonce Eye Clinic offers comprehensive eye examinations to evaluate your condition and determine the best pinguecula treatment. Our ophthalmologists take their time to cater to your questions and address your concerns, ensuring you make an informed decision about our vision correction options.

Expert Eye Doctors

Our ophthalmologists, Head Director Dr. Paik Dong Won and Medical Director Dr. Jung Sae Rom, are highly knowledgeable and adept in treating pinguecula. They always use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, pinguecula is usually a benign condition and not a sign of a more serious eye problem. However, monitoring it and seeking medical attention is essential if it changes or becomes bothersome.

In many cases, yes. However, you must consult your eye doctor for guidance on the best contact lens options and care routines.

While there are no specific home remedies, preventive measures like wearing sunglasses and using artificial tears can help manage the condition.


Pinguecula is a common and generally harmless eye condition that can be prevented and managed correctly. By understanding its causes and symptoms and taking preventive measures such as going to a trusted eye center like Eyeonce Eye Clinic, you can ensure the health and comfort of your eyes. Book an appointment with our eye doctors today!